Goodmorning quotes

Good morningЁЯМЮ quotes

 1. Good morning, live under someone's influence, life is yours, just live in your best nature.
Good morning ЁЯМД

2. Don't underestimate the power of words sir... because a small "yes" and a small "no" changes your entire life.. Good morning...

3. clay pot and
    family values
   only to the creator
      Only I know,
   Not to the one who breaks!!
Good morning ☀️

4.Ever since exam life*
                   *has been completed,*
         *Test of life since then*
                 *It has started..* 
Good morning ЁЯМД

5. May your feet never get tired

I have never lost courage,

There is courage in life

to do something

So the journey still continues.


6. People make mistakes

Don't be so sad,

as much about those mistakes

feel sad thinking about it


7.I am a simple thought.

If you ever remember, smile. 
Good morning ⛅ЁЯШО

8. someone has sweet words, someone has sweet words

There is a mistake in the intention sir, this is the world in this

Everyone has a double role.

Good morning sir ☀️⛅

9. Some people are like medicines, some are

By speaking, all the mental troubles of others go away. Good morning!

10.intentions and thinking should be good

Everyone talks well.

11. The past cannot be changed. But the future is still in your power. Good morning ☀️



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Good morningЁЯМЮЁЯШШ status (рд╢ुрдн рдк्рд░рднाрдд рд╕्рдЯेрдЯ्рд╕) and photos